Grad Students and Robots
Recently, our lab received an iPresence remote telepresence robot to help out with class. Of course, we needed to learn how to use it...

PNG software engineer takes on the world from Japan
Here's a media article about my sempai at NAIST, Dr. Raula Kula (pictured here on the far left). I got to know him through many long and...
THEクワガタ事変 / The Kuwagata Incident
Only about an hour or so into the day and this happens. A "Kuwagata" (or "Stag Beetle" in English) makes a momentary cameo on a window...

Graduate School vs. Guraduate School
Although I feel like this school is a hard fit for me, I am still proud to be a student at NAIST. We are ranked 1st in Japan for Science...
Yes, I want to actually write a thesis someday
In my lab every graduating season, there appears to be a custom of placing the graduating PhD candidate's thesis near the daily newspaper...
Fridays are the best days to be in Lab, apparently
Newly-noticed trend: Of course, it is always good practice to be present in one's own laboratory. But it is becoming gradually more...
Heading to GDC 2013!
And just like that, I just got the go ahead to attend GDC 2013. I didn't even ask. I was just chatting with the Associate Professor about...

New Years Eve 2012 -or- Who's still working?
Left the lab today at about 6pm. When I reached the top of the small hill behind the Information Science Building, out of curiosity, I...
A Guitar happened to be there
Everyday at around lunch I take a 30-minute guitar break in the side/meeting/break room attached to our lab. Thank the gods, the old and...

"There was once a dream that was Rome, you could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and i
It feels as though the entire field of science is questioning the validity of my own field of humanities. "What is that good for?" or...