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San Francisco

サンフランシスコまで無事に到着した。下記の写真で、ゴールデンゲート橋を左下のところでちょっと見える。現在、20℃で結構晴れているよ。3月なのに、春じゃなくて、夏ポイ。ホテルの周り、有名な「Blondie's Pizza」屋さんがあるので、今から食いに行く。

Made it to San Francisco without incident. You can sort of see the Golden Gate Bridge in the photo below in the lower left. Right now it's a sunny 20℃. Despite being March, it really doesn't feel like Spring, more like Summer. There's a Blondie's Pizza by the hotel, (very nostalgic--I used to hunt for CDs at Amoeba Music and then eat at Blondie's in Berekely when I was still at St. Mary's. I'ma go have a pizza then...

About the Author

PhD Candidate in Japan, researching Narrative in Games. Responds favorably to Thrash Metal, Karaoke, and Dungeons & Dragons.

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